Do wearable stress-relief gadgets work? I tried some to find out

Do wearable stress-relief gadgets work? I tried some to find out

It’s no secret that stress is a common problem in our society. A recent study by the American Psychological Association found that nearly half of all Americans report feeling extremely stressed about their work, money, and the future. And while there are many ways to deal with stress, from talking to friends or family to practicing meditation or yoga, some people are looking for more high-tech solutions. Enter wearable stress-relief gadgets.

Anxiety Calming Device range from bracelets that track your heart rate and breathing patterns to headbands that measure your brain waves. And their makers claim they can help you reduce stress and anxiety in just a few minutes a day. But do they actually work? I decided to find out by trying out a few of these gadgets myself.

First up was the Muse headband, which is designed to help you meditate by providing feedback on your brain activity. After putting on the headband and starting the app, I was instructed to close my eyes and focus on my breath. The headband then uses sensors to track your brain waves and gives you feedback on whether you’re calm or active.

I have to say; I was a bit skeptical at first. But after a few minutes of using the Muse headband, I actually found it quite helpful in keeping my mind from wandering. And the more I used it, the better I got at keeping my mind calm.

The next gadget I tried was the StressEraser, which is a small device that you hold in your hand and breathe into. The StressEraser uses biofeedback to help you control your breathing and heart rate, which supposedly helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

I have to admit; I was a bit dubious about this one. But after using it for a few minutes, I actually found it quite relaxing. And the more I used it, the better I got at controlling my breathing and heart rate. So, do wearable stress-relief gadgets actually work? Based on my experience, I would say yes. If you’re looking for a way to reduce stress with anxiety calming device, these gadgets may be worth a try.


Do wearable stress-relief gadgets work? I tried some to find out. The answer is: it depends on the person. Some people may find relief from using a wearable device like a headband or wristband that emits low levels of electrical current, while others may not feel any difference at all. The bottom line is if you’re curious about trying one of these devices, go ahead and give it a shot – just be aware that they might not work for everyone.

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